Lee Brand is the former Mayor of Fresno California. Originally from the Dalles Oregon, he has spent most of his life in Fresno. He and his wife Trish live in Fresno, California and have four children, four grandchildren and one great grandchild. He has over 35 years’ experience running a successful business. He is a graduate of Fresno City College, Fresno State University and has a M.P.A. degree from the University of Southern California. This is his debut novel.”
Lee Brand took me on a ride in this read that transported me between current day and back nine decades earlier to Missouri during the gritty Great Depression era. This is superb story telling of how hard life was for this family over the course of nine decades. A fascinating secret that unfolds brilliantly - enjoyable story!
5/5. Amazing! I had so much fun reading this book and all it had to offer. I was taken away by some of the stories and really empathized with all of its characters. Kudos!
This book is definitely a good read for anyone who’s looking forward to take a break from reality and lose themselves in the world the author has created. The tales of greatness this book has to offer was something I thoroughly enjoyed reading.
A whirlwind of emotions is the best way to describe what I felt while reading this book. Its versatility and the author’s imagination are left me in awe. What a book, what a writer, excellent!
Arthur and Rabbit both reminded me of my father and his best friend. I loved how the reader can see themselves or someone close to them in the characters of this book. Splendid!
I often thought about the effects of the stories of our elders has upon us, perhaps the antagonist was lucky to have found his family history much later in his life and loved how he was able to go along with his own journey while learning about the stories of his elders. A very nice book, indeed.
The book talks not only about the forgotten history of different localities in his fictional world but characters as well who seem all too real. I kept forgetting about its fictional aspect and considered it to be a real story, I was heartfelt by this book.
This book got me thinking about how there is so much I do not know about my own parents, their parents, and the parents before them. It’s truly a shame we do not know much about our own roots and are somehow led into living a life and forming a sense of originality when in fact, we have a certain definition of ourselves throughout our ancestors that are forgotten. A must-read.
Time erases everything. I realized while reading this book, no matter how your feel at the moment, it is nothing when seen as an overview. A 100 years from now, I will be forgotten, and so will everyone I have ever known. I loved this book and all it had to offer. Just beautiful.
I salute the author’s imagination for not just its character’s development but the environment and the minute details which he manages to bring life into as the book sucks you deep into its depth, excellent storytelling.
Finished it in two days, I was immediately hooked and kept going on turning the pages, this was truly an exhilarating experience, highly recommended.
This is a book for everyone. It does not give out a lesson or two, but I believe everyone would get and understand something different out of this one, it is a remarkable book and recommended for anyone who wants to be taken away completely, definitely recommended.
The book talks not only about the forgotten history of different localities in his fictional world but characters as well who seem all too real. I kept forgetting about its fictional aspect and considered it to be a real story, I was heartfelt by this book
I found this book the perfect example of the ups and downs of generations of a same family. An overview of a particular family and the kind of feats and lives they had is just an experience of its own. Really enjoyed this one.